Fe dyngodd iddo'i hun

He by himself hath sworn

(Gogoniant Duw Abra'm - Rhan II)
Fe dyngodd iddo'i hun,
   Rho'f ar ei lŵ fy mhwys,
Fe'm dwg ar esgyll eryr cun
   I'r nefoedd lwys;
Caf wel'd ei wyneb glân,
   A moli'i rym dilyth,
A rhyfeddodau'i ras, yn gân
   Na dderfydd byth.

Fe geidw ei eiddo oll,
  Fe'u gwylia ger ei fron;
Fe wisg mewn gwisgoedd pur ddigoll,
  Ei briod lon:
A ffrydiau gwynfyd glwys,
  A llwyni a lonant mwy,
A ffrwythau pêr
    paradwys fwys,
  Y lleinw hwy.

Gerbron yr Un yn Dri,
  Y saif y dorf yn fâd,
Gan draethu'i ryfeddodau cu,
  Trwy'u hëang wlad;
Y cydgor gyda hwy,
  Ddyrchafant yno'u llef,
Gan seinio cân heb ddiwedd mwy
  I'w enw Ef.
cyf. Crynhodeb o Hymnau Cristnogol (Daniel Jones) 1845

[Mesur: 6684D]

  Rhan I - Duw Abra'm molwch ef (Sydd ...)
  Rhan III - I'r Duw deyrnasa fry

(The Glory of the God of Abraham - Part 2)
He swore by himself,
  I on his oath shall lean,
He shall bear me on dear eagles' wings
  To the heavenly court;
I shall get to see his holy face,
  And praise his unfailing power,
With the wonders of his grace as a song
  That shall never pass away.

He keeps who are his,
  He will watch over them in his presence;
He will dress in pure spotless garments
  His cheerful bride:
And streams of beautiful blessedness,
  And groves shall cheer them evermore,
With the sweet fruits
    of a pleasant paradise
  Filling them.

Before the One in Three,
  The happy throng shall stand,
Expounding his dear wonders,
  Throughout their broad land;
The choir with them
  Lift up there their cry,
Sounding a song never more ending
  Unto his name.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
He by Himself has sworn;
  I on His oath depend,
I shall, on eagle wings upborne,
  To Heav'n ascend.
I shall behold His face;
  I shall His power adore,
And sing the wonders of His grace

He keeps His own secure,
  He guards them by His side,
Arrays in garments, white and pure,
  His spotless bride:
With streams of sacred bliss,
  With groves of living joys -
With all the fruits
    of paradise
  He still supplies.

Before the great Three-One
  They all exulting stand;
And tell the wonders He hath done,
  Through all their land:
The listening spheres attend,
  And swell the growing fame;
And sing, in songs which never end,
  The wondrous name.
Thomas Olivers 1725-99

The God of Abraham praise

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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